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Box notes contact box dissapeared

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  • Rona

    Hi Steve, 

    Welcome to Box Community and I’m here to help!

    To help you address this issue, please try the following troubleshooting steps: 

    Hope it works! 

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  • Steve Larson

    Thanks but that did not work.  It actually is working for me in Chrome, but is not working in Edge even after clearing cache and restarting computer.  It works on Chrome and it works in my app on my Iphone, but I can't get it to work from Boxnotes on Edge browser


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  • Megan Strocchio

    Hello. I am having the same issue. Some of my colleagues have the little chat box so we can comment but I do not. I tried what box recommended above and it does not work. Any idea how to get the chat box for box notes? 

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