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  • Leslie Terrell

    This ended up being a FRUP issue.

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  • Rona

    Hi Leslie, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    Do you still need assistance regarding your error? If so, we suggest you submit a ticket and seek assistance from our Product Support team. 

    We'd love to further assist! 

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  • T2 Nomads Support

    Leslie, how did you resolve this? I am having the same issue.

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  • Leslie Terrell

    It ended up being a FRUP issue. 

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  • T2 Nomads Support

    Can you elaborate? I am new to Box and Salesforce and am trying to resolve this same issue. I pulled a FRUP report, but not sure what to do next. In my specific case, existing accounts, that already have a folder within Box are not showing the folders or files. And when I click the Create folder button, I am getting the above mentioned error.

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  • Leslie Terrell

    This is happening on all Accounts, not a specific one (or group)?

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  • T2 Nomads Support

    So far all the Accounts I have looked at. Even when the FRUP reports shows a Record ID and a Box ID.

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  • Leslie Terrell

    Create a List View in the FRUP object with a filter for a particular record ID. Delete all of the folders that show up. Go to the record, does the folder show correctly now?

    I guess it would be diligent to confirm you have the latest package installed along with the latest Lightning components on the page layouts.

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  • T2 Nomads Support

    I did install the latest package yesterday. When you say delete the folders, I assume you are talking about the folder ids?

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  • Leslie Terrell

    Create a List View in the FRUP object with a filter for a particular Account record ID. Save the List View.

    Are there multiple FRUP records listed? If yes, delete each FRUP record (use the arrow at the end of each line to delete).

    Go to record and check Box component. Can you create a folder now?



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