Half of my storage being used, without any stored files.
AnsweredHi there!
My name is Breno Farias and i'm a user of the Box Sync plataform since 2013 i think and i have 50gb of storage on it. Recently i downloaded everything and deleted it, so i can sort everything on my local machine and them re-upload them to Box Sync, but here is what i found out:
My Storage use is counted as 23.2gb used, but i literally have my box sync empty now (no files stored and the trash empty)
Here is my account storage being used that is shows
Here is the proof that i don't have any file stored
And lastly, the proof that my trash is empty, so it should be 0gb used, and not the 23.2gb.
Hi Breno,
Welcome to Box Community and I'm here to help!
We've corrected your storage count. To verify this, log in to box.com> Account Settings> Used Storage.
Let us know in this forum once get this issue again. https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695334-Storage-Usage-Or-File-Count-In-My-Account-Is-Incorrect
Thanks for posting!
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