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cannot change password

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  • Rona

    Hi Paul,

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    We've created a new case and a member of our team will contact you through email, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Gabriela Diaz Santos

    I´m also required to change my password, but I can not changed it.
    I also get a notification every time I attempt to do so. The toast says that there was an error while changing my password. 
    Could you please help me?

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  • Robert Henson

    I am also getting that error.  When I initially reached out, they told me that they could not help because it was a free account.  I am now paying for the account, and I am still having the same issue.

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  • Bruce J Holmes

    I am required to change my password.  I cannot do so, as I get an error message every time,  Please adivse.

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  • Casper Wortmann

    I have the same problem. I need to change my password to view a document, but i cannot change my password since I get an error. Can someone reach out to me to fix this?

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  • Paul Clayton

    I have the same problem when I try to change my password from my 'Account' page. 

    The ONLY way I have been able to change my password is to click on the 'Change Password' hyperlink that shows up on the login page. That option worked for me.

    Someone(s) NEED to fix the 'Change Password' option that is displayed within the account profile display!!!!


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