Cannot Accept Invitation- tried many suggested ideas

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  • Rona

    Hi Deborah, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    If you are having trouble accessing a file or folder that has been shared with you, verify that you are signed in to the same Box account that the collaboration invite was sent to.

    Additionally, User's Box email addresses may not be the same as the email addresses they use to access their email inboxes.


    1. A user's box account email address is:
    2. Their email inbox is signed into
    3. They are invited to a folder using the email and accept the invite from their inbox.
    4. They will receive the error below in their Box account

    At this rate, you may get in touch with the folder owner/user sending the invitation. And this time, make sure that your email inbox and Box email address are the same. 

    For more details, you can  visit this article

    Hope it helps! 

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