

  • Rona

    Hi Andrew, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Does your Admin has to have direct access to the contents or just find out the filename(s) and folder name(s) in your managed user's account? 

    If it's the latter, your Admin can use the instant login for a managed user's account or use Content Manager

    Meanwhile, to access each contents your Admin needs to be invited to the files and folders. 

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Secuvy Inc

    Hi Box Community

    I order to invite the Admin or say some user to all folders, I need send Invite one by one for each folder.

    Is there any way I can add a User as Collaborator to all the Folders. (All Files => Maybe 80 Folders, Select All & Invite)

    Or some other way to do the same.


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