Accept Invite doesn't work

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  • Rona

    Hi Juan, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Let me just clarify a couple of things regarding your folder/file invitation. 

    Did you check your Box account for pending invitation? If there's one, here's how to accept pending invitation: 

    1. In the left menu of your Box account window, click All Files.
    2. In the pending invitations panel under ACTION REQUIRED, hover on the name of a file or folder.
    3. To see details about the invitation, click the ellipses, "...", and select View Details.
    4. To accept the invitation and gain access to the project's content, click Accept.

    Additionally, please make sure that you're receiving the invitation on the same email address you're using with your Box account. If not, kindly reach out to the owner to re-send the invite and use the correct email. 

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Zak Ziv

    I followed this advice and there is no ACTION REQUIRED for me. 

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