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Default From Settings for File Request Links

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  • Rona

    Hi Daniel, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    You can apply default custom branding for your file request link, here are the steps. 

    To apply default custom branding to new File Requests:

    1. In the admin console's left sidebar, click Enterprise Settings.
    2. At the top of the window, click Content & Sharing.
    3. In the File Request section, select the color scheme with which to display your company's logo.
    4. In the top of the admin console window, click Save.

    Additionally, you can require your uploaders to key in their respective email addresses. 

    To specify the additional information and file attributes:

    1. Edit the file request
    2. At the bottom of the File Request window or from the right menu, select from the following fields:
      • Email address.
        • You can only add this field once.
      • File Description.
      • File Upload.
      • File Metadata
    3. Click Save.

    For more details, you may visit the following Community articles: 

    If you have clarifications please feel free to create a new ticket
    Hope it helps!
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  • Daniel Rafeedie

    Hi Rona - thanks for the reply. The intention here is to set company defaults. I understand that I can edit every single file request link as it's created, which I do not want to HAVE to do. I'd rather specify my defaults and then edit the request form as necessary from there. 

    For example, I want ALL request forms to include an email address. Then, i'll remove it if I choose to edit it.

    Is that possible?

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