

  • Rona

    Hi Tim, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    Note: If you ever come across these data inaccuracies in your account, please know that the problem is entirely with the display of these totals. This has no effect on your underlying data. All of your files remain in place and have not decreased in size or been edited by unauthorized people.

    Please keep in mind the following information about storage calculations: 

    • Trash is excluded from your overall storage calculation.
    • If you are collaborating with another user in a folder they own, the storage is calculated only as part of the owner's account and will not count toward your storage calculation.
    Most of the time, aggregates will be updated within an hour or less. For larger changes or more complex folder structures, aggregates may take up to 24 hours to be correct.
    For reference, you can visit this article. 
    Thanks for posting!
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  • Mike R

    For me this is not true. I can’t upload anymore even if I use only 10gb on 50gb.

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  • tim j

    I'm at a loss. Literally every time my storage has been full with this account I've needed support to purge the trash in order to recover space. I've done my best to calculate the storage and I can account for ~36GB of 50; additionally, I've moved, and purged ~750MB to test the statement above and my capacity still shows 50/50GB used.

    If trash and purged items are excluded from my overall storage, could you please give instructions on how this is done since it appears the web controls are only hiding the items that I'm moving to trash and purging?

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  • tim j

    Rona I've downloaded and deleted literally everything in my account and the total is still showing "31.1 GB of 50.0 GB used".

    Can you please explain to me how I've deleted/removed/purged files in a way that I'm still using storage? I'd very much like to understand how to remove files correctly and in a way that will result in the reclamation of space.

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