

  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    Note: If you ever come across these data inaccuracies in your account, please know that the problem is entirely with the display of these totals. This has no effect on your underlying data. All of your files remain in place and have not decreased in size or been edited by unauthorized people.

    Please keep in mind the following information about storage calculations: 

    • Trash is excluded from your overall storage calculation.
    • If you are collaborating with another user in a folder they own, the storage is calculated only as part of the owner's account and will not count toward your storage calculation.
    Most of the time, aggregates will be updated within an hour or less. For larger changes or more complex folder structures, aggregates may take up to 24 hours to be correct.
    For reference, you can visit this article. 
    Thanks for posting!
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  • M.S. Maksoedan

    Hello Rona,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I use Box drive on several laptops to be able to transfer files between them easily.
    All laptops are logged out except 1 and the mobile app are active.
    The mobile app does not have any transfers going on.
    The laptop shows me 40 files to be uploaded but is not done due to lack of drive storage.

    This situation has been there for more then a week: 14.5 GB used while the files are only 4 GB.
    I have removed a lot of files from the drive and cleaned the trash too without any avail.
    The free space is just not recovered... Just checked now and this is still the same.

    Please check what is wrong and clear it so I can use the drive again. For now it is useless..

    I created a new drive and uploaded all files to the new drive: 2.3GB used... and not 14.5GB.
    I deleted ALL files from the old drive and it shows me now 11.6GB used... it is empty... some serious problems with used space calculations here...

    Regards, Msmax

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