Used storage is incorrect

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  • Rona

    Hi Carlos, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    I've opened a new case regarding your inquiry and a member from Product Support will get in touch shortly. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Carlos Gomez

    Thanks for your quick response.

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  • Miroslav Fečik

    Hello I have same problem, zero files but full storage, could you help me please? Thanks.

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  • Box User

    Same problems. Deleted all files 23 days ago. Still in trash (definitevely deleted within 5 days) and no chance to restore it because it seems no space available (10 gb used out of 10 gb) even if I have deleted from trash 50% of files

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  • Carlos Gomez

    Hi Rona

    I haven't been contacted by Product Support yet, and still shows 99% used storage, do I need to open a ticket somewhere else?


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  • Carlos Gomez

    This has been fixed, thanks for your help.

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  • Box User

    I have the same problem, is it possible to fix it also on my side? Thank you very much.

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  • Box User

    I sent my first message 4 days ago but still no answer. It seems all storage used (10gb out of 10gb) but I have deleted quite all files. The few still remained I need to restore but the operation is not possible due to error in storage calculation. Please fix space issue for letting me operate. Thank you

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