Unable to share my link

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  • Rona

    Hi Rick, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Using the same file/folder, can you create a shared link? 

    Creating a link to share:

    1. In your Box files view, hover your cursor over the row of the file or folder you wish to share.
    2. On the right, click (Create and) Copy Shared Link (). 

      The Shared Link window opens.  The link automatically copies to your clipboard.


    That's it.  You can now paste that link into the app of your choice -- email, messaging, and so on -- to share your content.


    By default, shared links are disabled. If you share a link to a file or folder by clicking the Share button, or via the More Options menu ( ) > Share, you must manually enable and then copy the link. Only if you click the link icon does Box automatically enable the link and copy it to your clipboard.

    For more details, you can visit this article

    Hope it helps! 

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