new search Functionality in Search Dropdown "EVERYWHERE"

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  • Rona

    Hi Lory, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    To help address your issue, I created a new ticket and a member from Box Product Support will be in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Falynn Serio

    Our team is having the same issue. Is there any setting that defaults to search "everywhere" like it did before? 

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  • Bryan Presnell

    I agree, As the EID Admin, I have hundreds of users that are very unhappy about this change / enhancement that took place this week. This is not a ticket issue; this is a gross miscalculation in how devs at Box think people use search. It was known as the "Global Search Bar", because it searched everywhere by default! Who ever thought it was good idea to change its default behavior to be a Local search after performing a Global search was crazy. Roll this update back ASAP, please. 

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  • Angela Pyatte

    I agree, too busy for the additional added step that adds time to the countless searches that I do every day.  The Global Search Bar should be searching everywhere not in the folder I'm in.  Why would anyone want to do a secondary search in the folder they are already in?  Please undo this change and make my co-workers and myself happy again. 

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