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How to make folders created by Managed user(s) visible for App User via Box API ?

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  • jmoldow_box

    Just like a Managed User, the App User needs to be collaborated on the folder in order to see it.




    The app's service account should be able to create this collaboration, assuming the app has the correct scopes.

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  • Box Product Support

    Still unclear. How can I set collaboration from API side on the folder already created by Managed user if my App User cannot see that folder?

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  • Murtza

     To add an App User as a collaborator to a folder owned by a Managed User, you need to be authenticated as the Managed User. After calling the Add a Collaboration endpoint as  described, the folder would be accessible to the App User.

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  • Box Product Support

    Sorry, but I'm working vith Java API, so let me clear the concepts, maybe I'm wrong in something.
    User is a normal BOX user which has account ID and email, working via Web interface and who can add and who can be added on folder as collaborator via Web interface.
    App User is the special user to work via BOX API. He doesn't have email and cannot be added as collaborator on folder by Managed user via Web interface, cause such action require email to be entered.
    Am I correct or no?
    So by now via this API I can create a folder on behalf of AppUser, find Managed User and set him as folder Co-Owner programmatically. Bu I have no ideas how to add AppUser as collaborator on folder created by Managed User. It is my problem now
    Thanks for patience.

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  • Murtza

     You are correct. When you call the Create Collaboration endpoint, you can reference the App User by setting the value of the id parameter equal to the App User's user id. 

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  • Box Product Support

    Sorry, but how we can call CreateCollaboration endpoint from API for the certain folder, which is invisible for my AppUser and visible only for ManagedUser?.
    We return back, cause I started topic with this question....


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  • jszesq

    This was helpful for another problem we were seeking to solve relative to group folder permissions. 

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  • Box Product Support

    Thaks to all guys involved in the discussion.

    It seems that Java API for BOX which I use (http://opensource.box.com/box-java-sdk/) is not supported yet an "As-User" functionality.

    Corresponded issue had been created and still in "Open" state:

    Some useful tricks were found on StackOverflow:


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