

  • Howard

    Hi ,

    Welcome to the community and thanks for your first post in the forum!

    Thanks for the detailed question! Did you check out this documentation for the necessary call?


    Could you provide more info for the community to help out?

    Be sure to look at the Community Guidelines, and check out our Product News,Training Guides, and Help Articles. For tips on how to getting around, see this video.

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  • bderstine

    related question:Currently, that API call only returns the collaborators that have been added to the folderid requested, however, there can be many, many more collaborators added to sub-folders/files of that folderid. Can you add a 'recursive' option to that API call?  I have had to write a recursive routine that pulls all the sub-folderids in order to build up what is essentially a single CSV of folderids and the collaborations that are associated with each. This (a) takes quite some time depending on the number of levels, and (b) significantly increases the number of API calls I need to submit.  I would imagine that you have this information in a database which could be quickly and easily available with a single API call?

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