QUESTION: Best Practice - Managing App Users

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  • LoCortes



    I would say that depends on your use case but I haven't even thought about that usage of creation and destruction of app-users per session. If that suits your use case can be a good approach but you will loose traceability of who creates the documents.


    Which will be the actions to be used by those users? upload documents or download them? because to download documents, those APPUSERS will have to have access to the specific folders where the documents are... So, you will have to create them, add them as collaborators on folders, download documents... 


    I do not know if is an agile approach.





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  • abbaslotia

    My conclusion in this is A) Create once, store the app user ID in config, reuse for the lifetime of the application. My reasoning goes back to ' comment -- I don't want to have to recreate permissions everytime.

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  • LoCortes

    Hello ,

    good! 🙂


    If that answers the question, please could you mark any of the two posts on the thread (previous to this one) to close the topic so will appear as solved on the list of topics? 🙂



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