

  • Hank Vare

    Click the Search Options icon at the right end of the search field, and enter your Box login email in the Owners field.

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  • Kimberly Foster

    yes, i saw those filters and did that but what would I "search" on?  Is there a wildcard that would return all box folders?

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  • France

    Hi Kimberly, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To add on the steps that Hank suggested, after you enter your Box login email in the Owners field, click the Search files and folder field at the top and then hit Enter all items that you own.

    You can then filter your search with "Type" and choose only Folders and search will bring up all the folders that you own.

    You may also request to your Box Admin to run a Files and Folder report in the Admin console and filter the report using your email to see all items that you own.

    Hope that helps!


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  • Shaolin Shen

    What I want is that I can navigate my box folder just like I can navigate my folder under Windows/macOS. Google Drive has "My Drive" which basically allows me to native my own folder structure. How can do it in box?

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