Shared Links

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    You want to make sure that you are only creating Shared links to specific files or folders you would need others to access.

    This article might be helpful to fully understand how shared links work and how to create it: Creating Shared links

    Let us know if you have questions and we will do our best to help you!


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  • Box User

    Hi, Yes, that is what I did. However, it’s unclear to me whether the recipient of the link has broader access to that file. When I sent the file link to myself, I had access to my entire box account. I definitely do not want other people to have broader access to my account.

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  • France

    Hi there, 

    It's expected that you will have to access to everything from that shared link since you own the content if at the same time you are logged in to your Box on the same browser.

    The link should only be accessible for the file it was created for and not your entire Box. If you need to test, I suggest using incognito browser or other browsers where you are not logged in.


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  • Box User

    OK. Thanks. I was logged off at the time, but will try it from another browser. Thanks for your help

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  • Aaron Borjas

    I had a problem with a shared link that I sent out to external users as well. It turns out that the users had an existing account but was deactivated long before and they did not bother to save their account information. They preferred not to sign up again in Box and asked me for a work around. 

    I discovered that there is my settings, in the blue "Share->" button, it defaults to "People in your company" can view and download so it assumes everyone that has the shared link has an account. If you change that to "People with the link" can view and download, anyone can access the data regardless of their account status. That may cause security problems which is another concern but I would at least have a look at that menu and see if that solves any similar problems.

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