

  • France

    Hi Masum, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Do you encounter any sort of error message when trying to download files?

    Do you own these files or owned by someone else? Can you explain a little more about your workflow so we can better understand the issue you are facing?

    I look forward to hear from you!

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  • Masum Rumi

    Hi France, 

    Thank you for replying.

    So, I currently don't own these files. This project was handed to me by my coworker who left our organization. I have been using her credentials to get access to files. However, since last Monday, using her credentials doesn't seem to work to get files. I did create a dev account for me and I have just tried to use developer token with OAuth2 authentication and was able to download the files successfully. However, the problem with developer token is that I have to create one every week. the website says that I need to get some sort off enterprise_id. I do see that in my colleagues credentials script. I should also mention that, she was using JWTAuth to authenticate and I do see an enterprise_id in her credentials. However in my account it says 0 for enterprise_id. I tried using the enterprise_id from her account, however, the connection was unsuccessful. 

    I think the problem here is with the credentials, not the API itself. For example, I think I might need to have an enterprise id in my account. My apologies for the long message. 

    I look forward to hear from you. Thank you. 


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  • France

    Hi Masum, 

    Apologies for the delay in responding to your message!

    This might require specific account information to understand the root cause, so I would suggest contacting Product Support team.

    Could you submit a ticket to our Support team here and reference the account you are trying to access those files into so they can check?

    Hope it will be resolved soon! Thanks for your participation in the forum and let us know how else we can help.

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  • Masum Rumi

    Thank you, France. My apologies for the delayed response. I just submitted a case.

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