How can I change FPE mode to Kernel mode?

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  • France

    Hi Won, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Remaining in kernel mode

    If you're an enterprise user and want to stay in kernel-based mode on Drive after the one-month post-GA period, and you prefer not to have FPE mode enabled for macOS 11.5 users, please follow the instructions below for select users:

    1. Run the following command in Terminal:

      defaults write MacMode fuse (Important noteThis command needs to be run as the current user, not as sudo)

    2. Restart Box Drive

    For admins:

    If you're an enterprise admin and want to keep your users on macOS 11.5 in kernel-based mode, see this JAMF article to learn how to push commands as current user and not as sudo.

    This may be relevant to your problem with the next steps!
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  • Esme Spanier

    The terminal command to revert to kernel mode does not work on my machine (running Big Sur 11.5.2) - please advise what else I can do to use Box Drive in kernel mode.

    The noted change in user experience with the switch from kernel-based / FPE modes (text copied below) has a significant impact on my team, and has resulted in accidental file deletion when a user thought she was only deleting a local copy of a file from Box. If kernel-based mode will no longer be supported above macOS 11.5, is there any way to retain the functionality that drag and drop will copy a file or folder, rather than moving it (or at least be offered as an option in user preferences)? This is critical for us.

    • "Items (files or folders) dragged and dropped from a user's local drive into Box are moved instead of copied.  Similarly, items dragged and dropped from the Box folder to user’s local drive are moved instead of copied and hence deleted from Box."

    Thank you!

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  • Joseph Sapiente

    Hi Esme,

    I've been having the same issue with Box Drive and FlowJo not playing nice and tried their above terminal entry solution, which did not work for me either.

    I'm running, Version 2.24.212 Box Drive, MacOS Big Sur 11.6, and FlowJo 10.8.1. I did however find a solution that has been working fine for my team and I.

    Edit: Prior to executing step 1, you need to loggout of box on the machine. Right click on the box in the tab, click the gear, click logout.

    1. Open Finder ~/Applications/Box (Right Click to Show Package Contents). Within the application folder 

    2. Navigate to Applications/Box. Right click to Show Package Contents.

    3. Open the "Contents" folder then the "MacOS" folder.

    4. You should see a folder with MacOS named, aptly, "fpe". Move this folder to the trash.

    5. Restart Box (and if FlowJo is running, restart as well)

    6. You should now see that FlowJo can access Box 

    Hope this helps!

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  • Cory Sytsma

    Joseph Sapiente Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it didn't work for me. When relaunching, the "box" in the menu bar stays greyed out, and it never fully launches. Sometimes I get a message about it crashing and sending in logs.

    I'm running Version 2.25.x Box Drive, MacOS Big Sur 11.6.1

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  • Cory Sytsma

    I tried something different, which appears to have worked.  I uninstalled Box, rebooted, installed Box and cancelled at the Login screen.  Then followed most of your instructions, but instead replaced streem in the fpe folder with the copy that was in the MacOS folder.

    Prior to executing step 1, you need to logout of box on the machine, then quit. Right click on the box in the tab, click the gear, click logout.

    1. Open Finder ~/Applications/Box (Right Click to Show Package Contents). Within the application folder 

    2. Navigate to Applications/Box. Right click to Show Package Contents.

    3. Open the "Contents" folder, then the "MacOS" folder, then the "fpe" folder.

    4. Rename the "streem" file in the "fpe" to something like "streem_fpe", or move it to the trash.

    5. Copy the "streem" file from MacOS folder into the fpe folder

    6. Launch Box

    I tried to set the custom mount location, but didn't seem to work. However, my absolute links now work. 

    The Box folder is called "Box-Box", and is also now unmountable, which is what it used to be.

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  • Joseph Sapiente

    Hi Cory,

    Interesting solution! Glad you got it figured out.

    Pretty sad on Box's part that they are leaving us to essentially do their Costume Support for them. Particularly that their "solution" did absolutely nothing.

    Regardless, glad we figured it out!



    Edit: Seems that we have differing BoxDrive version #s. I'm running 2.24.11 and you've got 2.25. Could be that my solution doesn't work with 2.25?

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  • Jamie Spencer

    Sorry to crash the party, but I'm having some of these same issues. After using Box on an OS10.x machine for years and switching to OS12.x this week, I suddenly find Box not working right in many ways.

    Has anyone figured out if it's possible to go back to the kernel-mode on an OS12.x machine? Or are we truly out of luck there?

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