Duplicate Folders

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  • Kenn Forde

    We are experiencing the same thing at our agency. Why are these additional folders being created/generated containing 0 files. The person/s that it shows created the folders have been verified as not having created the folders. Why is this happening?

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  • France

    Hi Kenn and Fadel, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    The issue you encounter when uploading folders to Box that gets duplicated seems the result of race conditions. FTP is one of the most likely ways that this race condition can be triggered when performing high velocity uploads.  FTP is particularly susceptible because of FTP's ability to work with concurrent threads (uploads).  

    You may reach out to our Product Support team by submitting a ticket here so they can further explain and shed more light on this issue.

    Thanks for reaching out and please let us know how else we can help!

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