Trouble with logging in on Box Sync

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  • France

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    May I know what OS are you running Box Sync into?

    Did you encounter an error message similar to what is described in this article: ?

    If so, can you follow the steps provided in this article to resolve this issue.

    If you still need further assistance, please let us know and we will do our best to help you!

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  • Box User

    It was win10, but in the meantime it upgraded to win11. All the same. I dont even have internet explorer, and I use google chrome.

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  • Jakub Posekaný

    I have the same problem. Win 11, Chrome. After entering the email and password, a message will appear

    Box Sync is unable to login
    There was a login error. Please make sure vour network is connected
    and try logging in again. If you still experience issues, please restart Box
    Sync. Reason Code: (7)
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  • Velibor Cepic

    I also have same issue. Looks like Box Sync doesn't work anymore, so I switched to to Box Drive even I like much more Box Sync because of simplicity.

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