

  • France

    Hi Amber, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    To confirm, are you not seeing the "Accept" button when you login to your account and go to the folder being shared to you?

    Do you mind sharing a screenshot of how it looks like so we can take a look?

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  • Amber M Morrison

    Would love to, but the app or mobile version does not give me an option to attach the photo.

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  • AJ

    Hi Amber,

    Welcome to the Box Community! 
    I was able to see that you have already confirmed the account. Please try logging in using your Box credentials by going to the sign up page.
    To reset the password for your Box account, follow this process: Visit and enter the email address associated with your Box account.
    To access the invitation folder, please click on "Accept" in the email that was sent.
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  • Amber M Morrison

    I have done that and it takes me to my account. I have also tried by using the app. When I click on the file being shared, a box pops up and tell me to accept terms. There is nowhere to accept terms and I have not received any further emails to accept terms though I confirmed my account when I signed up

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  • France

    Hi Amber, 

    Can you try to login to your account in using a web browser in a PC instead of mobile app and see if you can accept the TOS in there?

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