False indication of BOX account space

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  • AJ

    Hi Konstantinos,

    Welcome to the Box Community! 

    I'm sorry for the confusion. Let me help.

    I ran a script to fix the file size count in your used storage and should be seeing the right file size count. I also see that you have a collaborator whose storage is full and the reason why you are unable to upload to this folder.  I suggest that you contact the owner and delete files so that you have enough space to upload.

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  • Box User

    Hey guys! Same thing here! I have the 50GB storage and already deleted A LOT OF STUFF but still getting that "you're out of storage" notification. Would appreciate if you could help me as well. Thank you! 

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  • Konstantinos Papatheodorou

    Thank you for the suggestions and help. Unfortunately, even though my free space showed correctly (as previously), I keep getting the same error message and still can't sync my files.

    More than that, I looked for collaborators who may be causing the problem. As I could not locate who's causing the problem, I decided to REMOVE them ALL and then, try again to sync. In case I could successfully sync, I would add them one by one.

    I started downloading a specific folder "of interest" (around 13Gb of data) and then, removed all collaborators including MYSELF from the collaborator list of that folder (I only appear as owner now).  The folder DISAPPEARED! and is not accessible by myself any more. I can see that it must be there (hidden) because it still occupies the 13Gb space on my account. Unfortunately, the downloaded .zip file (corresponding to the downloaded folder) seems to be corrupted so I have absolutely no access to my data.

    I would therefore be very grateful for any suggestions and comments that could help me fix this problem.

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