Box not start on PC

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  • France

    Hi Gabriel, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To confirm, are you using Box Drive app in your PC? 

    If so, do you encounter any sort of error message when trying to open Box Drive? Can you share a screenshot here so we can take a closer look?

    We look forward to hear from you!


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  • Gabriel Beraldo

    hello france

    Yes, I have a corporate account.

    the message that repeats itself infinitely in Box_Local_Com_Service_03162022.log:

    [2022-03-17 08:51:12,212] [25 ] [INFO ] [] - Initializing the metrics collector
    [2022-03-17 08:51:12,214] [25 ] [ERROR] [] - MetricsCollector::Initialize(174): Check Failed: (configuration.deviceID) != nullptr && (configuration.deviceID)[0] ! = '\0' - Return: MetricResult_InvalidArg
    [2022-03-17 08:51:12,215] [25 ] [ERROR] [] - Failed to initialized metrics collector - error: 1
    [2022-03-17 08:51:12,217] [25 ] [ERROR] [] - MetricsCollector::FlushMetrics(304): Check Failed: IsConfigured() - Return: MetricResult_InvalidState

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  • Gabriel Beraldo

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  • Gabriel Beraldo

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  • Gabriel Beraldo

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  • France

    Hi Gabriel, 

    Thanks for sharing these screenshots!

    I see that you installed Box tools which is an add-on used to edit files stored in with your desktop editor app, but this add-on does not allow you to access your Box files from your desktop environment. If your goal is to see and access your Box files/ folders from the File explorer, you can download and install Box Drive.

    Check out this article on how to install Box Drive into your desktop: 

    Here are additional help articles to get familiar with Box Drive:

    If you have questions,  please let me know and I will do my best to help you!

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