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Disable Notifications on Shared Folders

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  • Official comment

    Hi Ren, 

    Welcome to the Box Community.

    I understand that you would like to disable email notification when a new collaborator is added in your folder, I'm happy to help address this!

    Box provides everyone with controls to manage what types of email notifications they receive about their content. You can specify email preferences from the full account level down to the individual file settings.

    However, there are some email notifications that cannot be turned off, and that includes "Collaboration invitation acceptances" notifications.

    You can find the details and list of other types of email notifications that cannot be turned off in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043694954-What-Box-Email-Notifications-Cannot-Be-Disabled- 

    Thanks for reaching out and if you have other questions, please let us know!


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