Converting basic account to company's recent business account with the same email (company email)

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  • France

    Hi Max, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Checking your profile, I do see that your email is linked to a Personal Free Box account. If you need to convert your personal account and be part of your company's business or enterprise Box, you need to reach out to your company's Box Admin and they have to manually add your email in their "Managed Users" list in the Admin Console > Users and Group menu; this will prompt an invitation for you to join their Box Business or Enterprise account.

    Once the invitation is sent, you have to login to your personal Box in and accept the invite. Once you've accepted, your account will be rolled in to your company's Box. If you do not know the name and contact details of the Admin of your company's Box, you can reach out to your IT or internal helpdesk to point you to the assigned person.

    This process was further discuss in this article: 

    Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to help you!


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  • Zoltan Elekes

    Dear France, 

    I am having the same problem. Is it possible to get this done for me, please? I tried to find the Admin Console to set this up myself but I just cannot find it. I had created my personal account with the same email address as my company's BOX account but the company account was created later. I cannot access to my company's account for this reason. Is possible to delete my personal account as I do not need it and keep the company's account with the same email address, please? It is very hard to find anything on this website to be honest. Thank you for your kind assistance. Zoltan

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  • France

    Hi Zoltan, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for reaching out!

    You cannot add your personal account yourself into your company Box as this whole process will need the involvement and approval of your Company's Box Admin. I also wouldn't recommend deactivating your Personal account due to our security policy that we are unable to release email addresses for accounts that have been deactivated for less than 120 days, which means you you'll have to wait for up to 120 days before you can use same email to create a new account once deactivated.

    I strongly suggest connecting with your Box Admin (you may reach out to your IT dept. if you do not have the information about your company's Box Admin so they can point you to the right person with this role) about adding your Personal Box account into the company's Box and reference this article of this whole process:  

    Should you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to help you!


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