Shared file unavailable

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  • France

    Hi Shalawn, 

    This error typically is caused by one of 3 things:
    1. Incorrect sharing permissions on the shared file. In other words, whoever created the link did not set the correct access level on the link. If you are not already a collaborator in the folder (or file) the link points to, the link would need to be set to "people in the company" (if that person is also at your company) or "people with the link" (if that person is not part of your company).
    2. The shared link has been disabled/ removed or a new Shared link was created
    3. You are attempting to access the shared file with a personal Box account instead of the account with which the file was shared.
    In your case, since you own the Shared file, I recommend checking if the Shared link is still enabled on that file, if its disabled, enable it and update the link you shared in your Learning tool, with the new link.
    Also, It looks like you are part of an organization that requires their managed users to contact your internal helpdesk or IT team for issues related to Box.

    I would suggest reaching out to your internal helpdesk or IT team should you need further assistance on looking into this.

    Best Regards,

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