

  • France

    Hi Anita, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Box Drive is not supported on ARM-based systems, ex. Microsoft Surface Pro X. If you try to use Drive on these systems, you'll see error messages such as, "This installation package is not supported on this platform. Contact your application vendor."

    This is currently a known limitation as listed in this article:

    Thanks for reaching out and feel free to write back in if you have questions!


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  • Robyn Bailey

    2 years later and still not supported? Any idea when this will be?

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  • Peter Carragher

    Again, when can users expect Box Drive on ARM64 PCs. Box Drive is an essential component of our daily / hourly work flows.

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  • Box User

    how ridiculous is that there is still no update, no reply, NOTHING?!

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  • Neil Doshi

    Box developers, please add support for windows ARM. As noted by all the other prior commenters, there is an increasing number of windows ARM devices on the market now and Box is already supported on Apple's ARM silicon. Is there a technical limitation with windows ARM or is it just a matter of prioritization?

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  • ICT Support

    We arnt the biggest customer with Box, but as Google Drive are going to have support for ARM in 4Q 2024 we may have to move 

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  • Antonia Alllum

    Reeeeaaallly need the BoxDrive on ARM 64!

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  • it

    Pretty please Win ARM support? These Windows ARM laptops are selling like hotcakes now.

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