Box User

  • Total activity 24
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Latest activity by Box User
  • Box User created a post,

    preview of documents are poor / looks bad when shared too

    It's hard for me to take serious for anything important.  When I open the file (like a preview of the full document), but before I open in an app, then the "preview" changes to a one charac...

  • Box User created a post,

    Need earlier version of app for android

    I had an unknown version of box for android on my android 8.0 phone. My box app and android phone are working fine.  I uninstalled the box app to solve another problem but cannot install the later ...

  • Box User commented,

    I might be able to sort this out over an hour or two - I don't go into routers and other places looking for proxies extensions and firewalls enough to make it as natural as boiling eggs - so maybe ...

  • Box User commented,

    I read the article. I right clicked to "unlock" the file but it didn't unlock it.  I am the originator and the editor and whatever else (sole contributor), and one of the files I created (In Box fo...

  • Box User commented, The link is to the 'workflow' demonstrating attempt to open in Microsoft Word from, install of tools that is apparently successful, un...

  • Box User created a post,

    Box Tools trackers

    Why does Box Tools only work in my browser if I allow cross-site cookes, fingerprinting, and ads?

  • Box User commented,

    I read the link that you identified but nothing there about rotate. This illustrates what is actually available on the toolbar when the file is opened, but no rotate

  • Box User created a post,

    rotate image

    Is there a way to rotate an image captured with Box Capture from within the Box Capture tool, or after opening the image from the Box app?  Without going to another app/editor just to rotate the im...

  • Box User commented,

    Yep box "drive" is installed.

  • Box User commented,

    Ok this is the error message from ( view of this file in my Box online folder.  This exact same file shows up as successfully sync'd in my "Box Drive" folder on two devices; an...