Ted Bartenstein

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  • Ted Bartenstein commented,

    Says I need to alert the folder owner, but I am the folder owner on most of these. If not me, then a secretary or the other partner, and none of us know what the folder owner is supposed to do. 

  • Ted Bartenstein commented,

    I have a similar problem. The account was opened by another lawyer in our office who says he understood our space was unlimited, which I see by pricing plans is the most common feature. He has no i...

  • Ted Bartenstein commented,

    When I go to the web application and click on the synced icon on the left, it only lists one folder, instead of the 30 or forty main folders I have. Some folders sync, while others do not.

  • Ted Bartenstein commented,

    Actually, when I look at the config startup files on the office computer, I see (Box (5), which I can click on and it shows BoxULexe, cmd.exe, Conhost, and thyen the Box icon itself. Those do not s...

  • Ted Bartenstein created a post,

    Files not Syncing on Box Drive


    I have two laptops. One of them (office machine - Windows 11) works well with keeping my work up to date, but when I use the second laptop (home - Windows 10), it will not show changes made earlier...