Lance Shinseki

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Latest activity by Lance Shinseki
  • Lance Shinseki created a post,

    Box access for non-licensed users in my org


    I have a user who has a licensed Box account. We are planning on reissuing that license to a different user for business reasons. However, this user has access to a vendors Box environment. Can you...

  • Lance Shinseki created a post,

    Reversing permissions

    We had a user make persimmons changes that needs to be reversed. Is there report I can run to see what changes the users made and restore them?

  • Lance Shinseki created a post,

    Merging two managed user Box accounts

    I have two managed user accounts that I need to merge. They are actually the same user but with different email addresses. Both are paid Box accounts and the user needs access to the folders/files ...

  • Lance Shinseki commented,

    Hi France - Thanks for the reply. I can't seem to locate what I need in the link. I did a search, but also came up empty. What I need is to assign a user the ability to create new groups and assign...

  • Lance Shinseki created a post,

    Creating Box Groups

    I have a user that's co-owner for a set of folders and files. I create a number of Box Groups and assigned them to the folders that she is a co-owner. While creating the Box Groups, I assigned her ...