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Could you execute please your script for storage for my account

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7 commentaires

  • Country Pines

    This is getting really frustrating. It happens to use regularly. Currently have been waiting 7 days for Box support to reclaim space on our account. We've deleted a lot of large files, but the space is still being reported as full and we can't add new files.

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community, sorry to hear about the issue and glad to help! 

    Glad that you've joined this forum. Great news! We've ran the script to correct your file and folder counts. To verify this, log in to box.com> Account Settings> Used Storage. 

    Going forward, if you find inaccuracies to your storage count as shown, please let us know to help you fix it. 

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Country Pines


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  • Country Pines

    Rona Our space is still showing as full.

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Thanks for your reply! 

    Kindly clear your browser's cache and cookies, log out and log back in to box.com. 

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Ilia Bukalov

    Is it possible to do it by some external script by myself without support (if it is programmatic it is not problem for me) - because I feel that such thing could repeat again and again quite frequently. 

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Good day! 

    Running the script to fix your storage can only be accomplished by the Product Support team. And we encourage you to contact us again should you experience this issue. 

    Thanks for posting! 

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