Box ftp captcha




  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    There is no way to disable this message and to clear the Captcha requirement, you need to follow as instructed and that is to go your account in  via your Web browser and login with your Box credentials.

    If you are still having problem connecting to Box via FTP, please go ahead and submit a support ticket with our Product Support team to get direct assistance.

    Thanks for your participation in the Community!


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  • Felipe Fischmann

    Getting the same error, doesn't seem to go away by signing in on a browser.

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  • Revonda Mehovic

    I'm having the same issue in spite of logging in and out of the browser multiple times. Do you have a workaround?

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  • Felipe Fischmann

    In our case it turned out that, in short:
    - We have several servers with the same IP
    - One of the servers was running a process with wrong Box credentials
    - This caused Box to "block" the IP and require a captcha in all servers, even the ones with valid credentials
    - In theory the captcha goes away if one waits for 90 minutes and then goes through the process once (as described by support). But because the process with wrong credentials kept trying to log in, these 90 minutes never elapsed

    So once we fixed the credentials in the process the issue was gone.

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