I am a co-owner of the box but cannot add user or share link




  • Rona

    Hi Anson,

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    Did you check if your collaboration permission has changed? If not, please follow the suggested troubleshooting steps below. 

    • Updating your browser to the latest version.
    • Clearing your browser's cache.
    • Using Box with an alternate browser, computer, or network.
    • Log out and log in from box.com
    • Restart your machine. 

    Hope it helps! 

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
  • Anson Chan

    I tried your suggestions but the error persists, my colleagues see the same error. We are using it as a collaboration point between 2 companies, it seems that the error happened for my company but not the team in the other company, will there be any corporate restriction set for different company for these 2 functions (share link & adding new users)? 

    コメントアクション パーマリンク
