How to use Box internally in my organization
回答済みHello Team
I am a developer for one of the project team @ IBM and would like to utilize box as a data repository of my project such as file system having files and attachments.
I wanted to access the Box repository from my development server environment through Java API where I need to dynamically copy or update the data to the repository from application. so what and all steps I have to follow for authentication e.t.c . please advice.
Hi Sravan,
Thanks for developing on Box platform.
There's mulitple ways to authenticate on Box, please read
The easiest way to get started might be to download one of our SDK's and simply enter your credentials.
Once you're logged in you can follow our API docs for how to move/copy data detailed here:
Here's the Java code:
package public class BoxFile public BoxFile.Info copy(BoxFolder destination) public BoxFile.Info copy(BoxFolder destination, String newName)
Let us know if there's anything specific we can help with.