change a status
Hello what does it mean if I've added my coworker to a folder that I am the owner of. we share the same work email address but he is showing that he is an outside external sharer and has limited access for notification. the world symbol is by his email name. How do I change that so he appears in network. Thanks .
Hi Jennifer,
Welcome to the Box Community!
There can be two possible scenarios here:
(1) This coworker may have created his own Box account outside of your organization, for example, he may have signed up to Box as a personal user or has his own subscription; OR,
(2) He is already part of another Box instance different from yours.
If this is a "Personal User", and you have Admin privileges to Add managed users in your account, you can follow this article to invite the user in your account:
If the user accepts the invitation to join your Box instance, he will be rolled into your account.
Hope that helps!
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