Error Message 'Unable to open folder'

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  • Official comment

    This issue is the result of softwares that scan the Box Drive location to inspect its file contents. This causes each of these files to be downloaded by Drive in succession. This is a limitation that is not able to be worked around by Drive, as when the operating system requests a file from Drive, Drive must try to deliver it. The notifications represent the volume of requests that are failing due to excessive download requests.

    The solution to this issue is to exclude Box Drive from whichever software is scanning the Drive folder. As noted this is a security concern for some customers, but in practice all files that will be uploaded via Box Drive will be coming from a location that is already being scanned by this software, and should already be safe. Additionally, Box scans all files for malicious content on upload.

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  • France

    Hi Nat, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    This would be something our Box Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information. 
    I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this.
    Please check your email for details.
    Thanks for your patience!
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  • Ryan Kehn

    This began happening to me as well last week and is getting progressively worse!!!  It's crippling my ability to work.  Uninstall/Re-Install on Mac OS didn't solve the problem.  Happening to a couple of other people in our organization as well.

    Has any progress been made on this?

    Device info:

    Macbook Pro (2019)

    MacOS Catalina (10.15.7)

    2.3 GHz 8-Core intel Core i9

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  • Box User

    I am having this issue too. Please help!

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  • John Taylor

    I am having this same problem.  Please advise


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  • Ryan Kehn

    Giving this a bump...still happening and CRIPPLING me.  No response from support?

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  • mmd0404

    Some of our users are experiencing the same issue. Folders noted in the errors have not been accessed by the user however he is a member of a group that owns the folder (not sure if that's relevant here)

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  • Fiona Buckland

    Did anyone get any answers to this?  We've just experiencing the same thing!  

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  • Nat Overholtzer

    Has this been resolved for anyone? Box support stated they were getting an abnormal amount of requests from my device, but we cant seem to figure out why. 

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  • mmd0404

    The response I received is below. I haven't had the user test this as it would seriously impact his productivity, so can't confirm whether this resolved our issue yet.

    After taking a look at the logs, it appears that processes called "Adobe Media Encoder 2021" and "Adobe Premiere Pro 2021" are making a large number of requests on the files in your Box Drive folder. 

    When applications try to open files throughout all of Box, Box Drive must fetch lists of file names in every Box folder from that the user has access to. To preserve fast and reliable service for other Box users, will often reject excessive traffic like this from Box Drive, forcing Drive to slow down (i.e. rate limiting). It appears that most of the Drive popup notifications this user got were to tell the user of transient failures due to these rejections from

    As a test, can you try uninstalling these programs temporarily and see if the issue still persists? You may also want to reach out to Adobe to receive guidance on how to allow-list the necessary Box Drive folders in their programs so they aren't continually scanned:

    • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Box\Box
    • C:\Users\username\Box
    • C:\Program Files\Box\Box
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  • Erin Sikorski

    I'm having the same issue, and I've been using Adobe Premiere lately. Maybe I'll stop using it for a few days and see if the issue goes away. Fingers crossed since the dinging is driving me bananas! 

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  • mmd0404

    Please let me know if that does the trick for you.

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  • Walt Bower

    We are seeing this happen two on two different Macs and neither are running Adobe Premiere. Any idea what the cause/fix is?

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  • Box User

    Another here. Mimi M1, new install of latest Box updates...and now that damn "Unable to open folder" notices WILL NOT STOP.


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  • France

    Hi Everyone, 

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've encountered this issue with Box Drive.

    To further look into this, can you please share you use cases to our support team by submitting your tickets here: 

    This might require some account specific information and you may need to submit your Box Drive logs for the team to investigate what could be causing this from your devices.

    Thanks for your patience and please come back and let us know how it goes with support.


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  • Walt Bower

    Hi France,

    I have already opened a ticket with support back on 7/14/21 and have yet to hear back. Screenshots and logs were both submitted.

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  • I am getting this every 2 seconds,  tried uninstalling reinstalling nothing works...HELP


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  • ITAdmin81

    We're seeing the same issue as well.

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  • Rich Bloom

    Having the same issue, its non stop. Anyone figure this out?

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  • Haythem

    Hi there, we also have two users (on Macs) experiencing this issue.

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  • Walt Bower

    Update from Box: We have discovered that Apple's Finder extension is making excess calls to Box file systems, and our engineers are working alongside Apple to uncover why this is now affecting multiple customers. While I do not have an ETA on a fix for this, I will hold onto this ticket and update with further information as soon as Apple has provided more updates. 

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  • ITAdmin81

    We are experiencing this on Windows 10 and the folders noted in the errors have not been accessed by the users although they are members of a group that has access to the folders.

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  • Box User

    Months later this is not resolved. Which is so frustrating to us all. Box, can you expedite support for us? Please?

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  • Thom Feild

    Yes, this is a constant issue, at least while running Adobe After Effects.

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  • Cutsforth Admin

    Same issue. Following for the update alerts... 

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  • Jonathan Fisher

    I'm having the same issue with numerous others.  File transfer are extremely slow even though I have Google Fiber 2G. I'm having problems working on offline and online only files.  The file transfer is so incredibly slow the my computer basically stops being useful.



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  • Micah Bauer

    Same issue as everyone else, I'm getting notifications (18 in the last 5 minutes) saying that Box is unable to open a folder. It started as soon as I opened After Effects. 

    2019 MacBook Pro

    Mac OS 11.5.2 

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  • Jan Kupecz

    I am having same issues - not using the Adobe feature, not using a Mac.  Windows 2016 on a PC. This is very frustrating.  Any news on what is going on?

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  • ITAdmin81

    The new version of Box Drive for Windows (2.23.422) did not fix this issue for my organization.

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  • Jonathan Fisher

    The new version of Box Drive for MacOS did not fix the problem. 

    Other symptoms that I noticed are:
    1) Ping and trace route times for are excessive when compare with other cloud drive services for example:
        googledrive and dropbox ping times are 9-10 ms with 0% packet loss
        box ping times are 70 to 300 ms with 0 to 30% packet loss

    2) My team notice that file upload and download speeds are faster when processing through the web interface vs. using the Box App.

    3) Longer ping times and packet loss correlates to UI error and significant loss of computer performance. I see no performance losses when I quit the box app. 

    Is anyone else see these problems?  I suspect if it is related to a inadequate sync algorithm in the box app.


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