

  • Rona

    Hi Mar, 

    Welcome to Box Community and I’m here to help!

    To cancel, you can use our the self-serve option to end your Box subscription and follow the instructions here according to your account type. Meanwhile, if you prefer to work with our team, please contact our Cancellation team via   

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Adam Whittaker

    I have a trial subscription but I want to cancel it so that I am not charged after the trial period finishes.

    Adam Whittaker

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  • Nancy Mickelson

    I have a trial subscription but I want to cancel it so that I am not charged after the trial period finishes.

    Nancy Mickelson

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  • Christien Williams

    I have a trial subscription but I want to cancel it so that I am not charged after the trial period finishes.

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  • Anthony Vick

    I have a trial subscription and would like to cancel it before I am charged on April 12th when the trial period ends.

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  • Dan O'Connor

    I have a trial subscription please cancel.

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  • AVC studios

    I have a trial subscription, please cancel!

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    I have a trial subscription and would like to cancel it. However, the guided link does not lead to the cancellation page. Please ensure it is canceled before I am charged. 

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  • Box Ripped Off This Widow

    You were alerted to CANCEL my free trial over a month ago, March 2024.  Why did you bill me $540.00 today???  GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK NOW!

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