Is there a way to save sort preferences?

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  • Brittini Fontenot

    Thank you Barry!

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  • Francesco Cinollo

    Whaoooo, this is fantastic, I was going mad about it! Thank you so much Barry!!

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  • Tracy Ivanoff

    Thank you Barry!! Really saved the day here. 

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  • Nataly Ochoa

    Barry you are the man! Thank you! 

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  • Joe Milburn

    Barry Gould you are an absolute star. Thank you so much ✭

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  • Romain Moreau-Gobard

    Shame on Box for not providing this very basic feature, though... 

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  • Brian Pitt Assistant

    Hi all,

    I'm wracking my brain trying to find the sort order you speak off. Can't find it anywhere. Can someone please help! Many thanks :))

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  • Janelle Beal

    Here's Barry's comment from p1:

    ok , a bit random , but if you navigate to "All Files" or where you start when you initially login , and set the sort order there  , it will "sticks" when you navigate to other pages. set the sort order click on 'Name' at the top of your list of files/folders and it will sort alphabetically.  I've found this stays for some time (a few days to a couple weeks usually) and eventually goes back to sort by date, but then I just go back to All Files page and resort by name and I'm good for a while longer.  

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  • Richie Dapcevich

    Barry, Thank you!  Worked awesome!

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  • Christian Incognito

    Barry Gould - a true Box legend! Thank you!

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  • Duncan Hui

    Box needs to hire Barry. But seriously, having a saved view is essential in a service such as this.

    Our company has decided to move away from Box now.

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  • Anthony Puopolo

    Thank you Barry Gould! Two years later and Box still hasn't resolved this issue but your method proves true.

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  • Davey Sheridan

     Barry Gould Sage wisdom!! Thank you Barry, not only is my Box issue resolved, but this forum thread got me laughing out loud. Thank you everyone :)

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  • Eric Chen

    Thank you Barry Gould
    You saved my day!

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  • Kyla Rose

    Thanks Barry!!

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  • Charmaine

    Two years later...

    Thank you!!!  Barry Gould

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  • Gary Healy

    Cheers Barry!!

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  • Umar Bajwa

    Just found this, great help!

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  • Scott West

    Barry, great work!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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  • Patrick Forkin

    Unbelievable. It's been 2 years and there's still not an option to save your sort preference? It sucks I have to organize the folders each time go into a new folder. It's like a completely random sort for no reason?? 

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  • Mohammed Almlla

    Thanks, Barry
    It works fine and great  in my view when I'm logged in to my account, But, when I'm sharing the link with the public, the folders will be in different order

    It's annoying, frustrating and embarrassing to me with others

    The workaround is to add this to the link: (?sortColumn=name&sortDirection=ASC)

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  • Mohammed Almlla

    You can upvote for this feature here


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  • Erick McKesson

    This is absolutely absurd. I might end up cancelling my account for this reason. I'm trying to use box as a data room and this comes off very unprofessional. 

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  • Tim

    When you define a sorting order in your All Files window, Box applies that sorting order as the default sorting order in all your Box windows.

    This has been added to


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