Missing Files / Folders

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  • France

    Hi Raffi, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Are you the owner of the missing folder or is it owned by someone else and was shared to you?

    If a collaborative folder that you do not own is missing from your Box account, it is most likely that the owner of the collaborative folder has removed you as a collaborator on the folder. You will have to contact the folder owner of the collaborative folder to have them re-invite you to that folder again.

    If its a folder you owned and there are other collaborators in it, it may have been deleted or moved by a collaborator.

    If you are part of a Business level plan, I recommend reaching out to your Box Admin as they run a "User Activity" report which would be helpful to determine what exactly happened to the missing folder.

    To learn more about running a User activity report, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696534-Running-Reports#useractivity 

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    Why are you giving the same damn response to this question ....You sound so thick and so stupid...this issue has affected so many people  including me and you keep on copy pasting the same response over and over.

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  • Raffi Vartanian

    I found my files, so im good for now.

    FYI: not everyone knows who the collaborator is when in a team setting, so if you were removed then who do you go to??. .  and the User Activity report was pointless as it didn't help.

    I had specific file names and screenshots from XLS recent folder that I had access to files. .  a Helpdesk should be able to locate specific files and help the end-user to locate the collaborator, rather than tell me that we don't see it because I may have been removed by a collaborator.  this doesn't t help me find my files.

    My specific issue was the collaborator switched to a new email address so they didn't lose any files, however, they did not move over the collaborator profile.

    I don't need a reply, just wanted you to know.



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  • Data Analysis Training

    Raffi how did you find your files , i am unable to locate my files...just disappeared without a trace...i own the account.

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  • Raffi Vartanian

    I had a list of filenames that I knew I owned, then reached out to all folks that are part of the team asking them if they see the files.

    I got lucky that the one person who can see them was the individual that had an email change. They re-added everyone back on to the folder.

    good luck.


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