Unable to change email address
Hi, I have an individual Box account, but I am unable to change my email address and the Add More Emails option is not listed. I do not show any admin for my account. Can you please let me know the process to change my email address? Thanks.
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Hi there,
Welcome to the Box Community!
Here's the step on how to add a secondary email:
To add an email address:
- Click Add more emails.
- Enter your new email address and click the Save button.
- An email verification will be sent to the address you entered. Click the verification link in the email to confirm and add the alternate email to you account.
To make a secondary address your primary address, click Make Primary button. If you do not see this option, it's likely your enterprise has a feature enabled that prevents users from changing their primary email address.
You may see this step in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196513-Manage-Account-Settings#loginandemail
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