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files automatically being deleted

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  • Official comment

    There is a known issue that can occur with Microsoft Word and Box Drive that may be relevant to some of you in this thread. The nature of the issue is that when the Word recovery folder is set to live within Box Drive, when attempting to save to this folder Word can trigger delete actions on large amounts of content in Box Drive. Box has been investigating resolutions to this issue, however the behavior is caused by Word and is unfortunately out of our control. We recommend ensuring that you do not have any Office recovery folders set up within the Drive folder to avoid this issue.

    Please review this link to see how to configure this folder, and ensure that it is not pointing to a location in the Box Drive folder.

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  • Ana Sánchez Rodríguez

    This is happening in my company as well since yestarday, and I know a few other colleagues from different companies having the same issue. What is going on with Box? In our case, the content is not in the Trash.

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  • Kate Clifford

    No we have files being actively deleted from our account, allegedly by me, but I haven't been at my desk or logged on. When other go in they see that I have removed or deleted files - but I have been out and away from my desk. It happened at 11 am one morning and 5pm yesterday. We are a small team so everyone in the office is aware the this is happening and is watching out for it. I can restore items as they a re in the bin when we go in but there is an issue somewhere. 


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  • Robin Bowen

    Same issue, and NO ONE is deleting them on our team. A file will be saved, and minutes later show up in the trash. This is really causing an issue with our department.

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  • sharon morris

    This is happening to me too. Box support not come up with a solution. Have any if you guys resolved this?

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  • Amber Slaughter

    Same thing happening with us!!! has the issue with BOX been resolved? 

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  • sharon morris

    Evening all. Just wanted to update you on what has happened to resolve this for us. It has taken weeks of communication with support but finally we have a resolution. Apparently the problem was due to box sync being used on 2 computers with the same account - something we have done for years with no problem. We were advised that the files deleting and replcating is a known issue where box sync is on 2 computers for a user. The solution was to install box drive instead. This has been done - seems to work well. Now we just need to deleted the 25,000+ replicated files!!

    I hope this helps. Good luck

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  • numxl

    Hi Kate,

    My files are all deleted too. No one has access to them, and I saw them yesterday, but today they are all gone.

    This never happened before, Is there anything support can help with?


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  • Kate Clifford

    Ours were in a random trash bin in another account. See if you can locate them then hit recover/ retrieve and they will restore to your account. But you need to check all user bins. Hope this helps

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  • numxl

    I have checked, and the trash bin is also empty. The account looks like it has been newly created. I am at a loss here!

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  • Nivosoa Robjhon

    I have been experiencing the same issue since last week (6-7 days ago). At first, I thought this was due to the retention policy I set up, but it appears it is a box wide issue. This is unreliable. Please update here if your issues have been resolved. 

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  • Box User

    I am having the same issue. I am the only person with access to this account. Luckily I was able to restore the file before being permanently deleted. How many of my other files have I not noticed? These issues have been happening over the past month. Box - please advise.

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  • Corine Manro

    We are having the same problem.  Box please indicate the solution to this problem.  It is 100% not us moving the files.  There is only one access to our files and we were not home when allegedly the files were deleted.  90% of all our files.  This is clearly a programming issue or you've been hacked.  Please let us know the solution.

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  • Todd Hallock

    We have had this start to happen to us as well.  The support people say they don't know what to do.  I will try your solution Sharon.  Since this seems to happen a lot you would think they would respond somehow but they seem to ignore this community.  Curiously their sales people seem to have no problem reaching out to me. 

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  • sharon morris

    Good luck Tony. It took a lot of tooing and froing and me getting stroppy and escalating the issue more than once to get to the solution. The drive is supposed to be superior to the sync. Not sure this is our experience. The search function does not work in windows - you will need to use the drive search facility, which is awkward and clunky. I am still considering my options as regards remaining a long term customer. Google drive much easier to operate.....

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  • Theresa Coles

    I had this same problem! A number of my documents - in folders owned by me and not owned by me - were deleted. I had 19 pages of documents in my trash folder out of nowhere. Please help!

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  • Sarah Towne

    I just encountered this on Friday. Somehow my account deleted all of my files AND my department's files. They were in trash but it took 4 hours to restore them, and I am still encountering issues where I have been removed as co-owner or editor for documents. Any ideas on how this occurred and how to prevent in the future?

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  • AJ

    Hi Kate,

    Welcome to the Box Community! 
    Why are some files missing? I didn't delete them. All users collaborating on a collaborative folder who have an Editor access level or above on the folder will be able to move, edit, add, and delete contents within this collaborative folder. If you notice that content is missing or in a different location within this collaborative folder structure, it is most likely that another collaborator on the folder moved/deleted the item from its original location.
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