After last chrome update does not work




  • Thomas Daniel


    You’re experiencing with not working after the Chrome update. While I don’t have direct control over’s development, I can provide some insights and potential solutions: Known Issues with Box Tools: Box Tools, which includes Box Edit and Device Trust, may encounter compatibility issues with specific browser versions. Specifically, Box Tools v3 does not work in Chrome v66+. If you’re using Box Edit or Device Trust, consider updating to the latest version of Box Tools.

    I hope this reply helpful to you.

    Best Regard

    ESS Costco


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  • Rona

    Hi Dirk, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    If you have issue accessing the Box website, can you please follow these troubleshooting steps? 

    • Updating your browser to the latest version
    • Clearing your browser's cache
    • Using Box with an alternate browser, computer, or network. If possible, Test using both Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections. Wi-Fi is typically slower than an Ethernet connection. Increased distance from your router can further decrease your speeds. If there are walls or other obstructions between you and your router, this could cause your internet speed to decrease.
    • Temporarily disabling any internet security/firewall programs to test whether they conflict with Box (Note: you may need clearance or assistance from your organization’s IT department/helpdesk to do this)
    • Temporarily disabling any plugins/extensions in your browser
    • Removing unwanted extensions, plug-ins, ads, pop-ups & malware:

    Hope it works! 

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