Want to send a link out for upload only...
回答済みGreetings. Sorry if this is a novice question. I want to be able to have outside people receive a link to a folder that they can upload files to, I would like them not see anything else anyone has uploaded, I would like it to be a link and not have to populate a bunch of e-mails into an invite list or have to have people create an account. I want a link so it can be forwarded to others as part of a campaign.
Thanks for any help!
Hi .
Box does not have upload links unfortunately, instead you may be intereseted in Email Upload or using an Upload Embed Widget.
Otherwise, in order to upload content, users will need to be collaborators in the folder.
You can allow people to collaborate (i.e. upload something) by just sending a link (without having to invite them individually), but I am not 100% sure how to make everyone's uploads private.
Go to your folder's settings (Properties/Folder Settings). Scroll to "Invitation Link" and select the box "Enable collaborator invitation links". Then select the access the user will have ("Users can join with the role"). Maybe making them "uploaders" restricts their viewing access, I haven't tried that yet. That will give you a NEW link to use (it should have the word "collablink" in it).
I hope this helps and apologize if I misunderstood your question.
Click on the Embed widget, click on preview button (bottom right). When the sample window opens up, copy that url and use that as the link in your emails. When your email recipients click that link they'll view the widget and can drag + drop files.
Additionally, change your folder settings so that you're notified when files are uploaded.
Dropbox currently has this feature with their business accounts. Box does not support this feature at this time. I have used a third party online tool called WeTransfer to receive files from people and than I download/upload the file into box. The other ways would be email and embed widget, which for me, does not fit the task.
Email won't work for me: I need to protect personally-identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive information. Users I'll be interacting with are likely to find email encryption too cumbersome. For example, it would also be too inconvenient for survey respondents or students to set up Box accounts (there may be thousands). I'd like to encourage them to submit certain forms and otherwise participate, but having them go through an extended process may discourage them from participating.
I'm wondering if the Upload Embed Widget provides a secure means to transmit a file to a Box folder. Would you be able to answer this question?
I have a workaround, which I see is danced-around here, but it should be a function Box could easily implement. My workaround: Create an Upload Embed Widget, then click the Preview button. When the new browser window opens, copy the URL and paste that into your email. The link opens in a browser window as it would embedded in a website and the files will go securely into the folder for which you have created the upload embed widget.
Hi ,
Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!
I understand that having upload links would seem more convenient to use in sharing contents, though we currently do not support this feature, an alternative that we can suggest is using an Upload Embed Widget if not sending a collaboration invitation.
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I see that as of two weeks ago Box eliminated the "Upload Embed Widget" option and instead implemented a new email feature allowing outside sources, those without Box Accounts, to email in their files. The email is capped at 50MB. This works fine for some pdf files, word docs, etc. but does not serve me well when trying to provide a one-time design contractor with a way of sending me architectural drawings, dwgs, renderings, etc. Files and folders can easily cross that 50MB threshold.
I am not thrilled about this change at all.
Hi ,
Thanks for your post and commenting on this old thread; I'm doing my best to update all these old threads here.
Your option to enable outside users who do not have Box has actually expanded now thanks to the new feature we have called the File Request Link:
You won't be limited by the email limitation of 50MB and you can read more about the announcement and capabilities here:
Hi .
Box can definitely help you with this. You would most likely want to use a Shared Link. Shared links can be created for individual files or entire folders. In this case, you would want to create shared link for a specific file and send this file out to others to allow them to view the content without giving them access to your other content.
Here are a few helpful articles that describe shared links in a bit better detail:Hope this helps!