Cache Files using Box Drive

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  • Kevin Hankins

    So re Box Drive: PLEASE make it clear when and how we can clear our C drives!  They are full!:

    * find unused Box files

    * delete unused Box files (cache and elsewhere)

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  • Tianhui Lin

    how to setup the box cache size? this folder takes up too much space, although no any folder sync to local driver.

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  • Rob_Parrish



    The University of New Hampshire has your back on this one.  I would emphasize that you need to exit Drive prior to deleting your cached files.  They give steps to do it, but really make sure you do exit Drive first.

    Link to their page on deleting cache.


    Hope this helps


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  • jfknipper

    That does!  Thanks!

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  • Ashlyn

    Hi  thanks for posting in Community! Files get cached anytime they are opened, moved, or marked for offline. It is unlikely that all 54GBs are from marked for offline content. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to differentiate cache that is from MFO and cache that is from opening files. If you would like to adjust your maximum cache size you can follow the steps in this article. If you have any additional questions, feel free to open up a ticket with our Box Product Support team!

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  • Nathan Toone

    The link has changed to

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  • Jose Peña

    Hi, I have recently installed Box drive in my laptop. However, I would like to know wheter it is possible to move storage root of cache.

    I was able to edit the registry to "store" offline contents in disk "A" (instead of "C"). While the root of files appear to be "A" it actually does not consume space in that disk but rather thay are using space in "C" (where cache is located.).

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  • France

    Hi Jose,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    At present, you won't be able to change where Box Drive stores its app data or cached files. 

    This idea has been shared to our Product Team in Box Pulse -our feedback site: Box Drive: Change cache location  

    The suggestion is currently 'Under consideration' but you may also add your vote and share your use case on the comment section.

    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
    Thanks for your participation in the Community!
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  • jgonzalezj

    I have exactly the same issue, 2 years passed ...

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