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1 comment

  • France

    Hi Oyuki, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To confirm, did you try to share a link to other users however they are unable to access the documents on that link and cannot download?

    If you are trying to share a link, you want to make sure to set the proper Shared link access to the people with whom you are sharing it with:

    Shared link access

    When you create a shared link, you have these access permissions from which to choose:

    • People with the link:  Anyone with the link can access the item and no Box account is required. For extra security, you can also set a password or expiration for the link, as well as restrict download and/or preview access for link viewers.
      • Password-protected shared links are available to all paid Box User accounts.
    • People in your company:  Only people who: (1) are managed on a Box account (Starter and above); (2) have an email address that matches a domain registered with Box for the account that created the link, can access the link. For example, if acme.com is a registered domain on your account, all managed account members with an email address ending in acme.com can access this type of link. People who do not match a domain listed on your account cannot access the link, even if they are managed members on your account.
      • When accessing the link, collaborators must log in to Box to verify their identities. People in your company is disabled if you do not have a valid business domain registered with Box.
      • Collaborators in the folder can also access content if People in your company is selected.
    • Invited people only: Only people invited to the folder or file can access the content. Collaborators already have access to their content, but can easily direct one another to a specific file or folder using the shared link.

    You can set the link options on individual files and/or folders by the owner, across all owned content, or by the admin for the entire company. Also, verify that the setting you choose allows file access to the person with whom you are sharing it.  Otherwise, your intended recipient receives an error when he or she clicks on the link.

    For the ability to download your shared documents, you can enable this option by going to the link settings of the Shared document.

    More information on shared links can be found in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697094-Creating-Shared-Links

    Hope that helps!


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