Save As Visual Basic Coding in Excel
I currently have staff use an Excel document with a Submit Button that names and saves the file to our local Shared Drive. I would like to change the coding so the document uploads to Box. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Sub SaveAsDisplay()
Dim ret_type As Integer
Dim strmsg As String
Dim strtitle As String
strmsg = "Is your form ready for submission?"
strtitle = "Follow-up Form Submission"
ret_type = MsgBox(strmsg, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, strtitle)
Select Case ret_type
Case 6
Dim fname As String
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
fname = .Range("B3").Value & "_" & .Range("B6") & "_" & Format(.Range("B4").Value, "yyyymmdd") & "_" & .Range("B9").Value & ".xlsm"
.SaveAs "\\SNDCAFS\Shared\Common\Customer Service\Follow-up Forms\" & fname
End With
MsgBox "Your form has been submitted"
Case 7
MsgBox "Please answer all applicable questions and press Submit again."
End Select
End Sub
rrs29 Did you ever get an answer? Looking to do something similar.
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