creating direct download link to a file
Hi BOX team,
I know how to make an ad-hoc shared link. However, is there a way I can make a direct link to a file without preview window? When I attache a file, some people are having a hard time to understand the preview and download. SO I want to make a file to direct link to download.
Please let me know.
Bryan Kim
Asif Kamboh has explained on his blog; how to create a direct download link of files?
It guides you through every possible way to convert a shared link into a direct download link for Box Cloud Drive files.
I created a tool that generates direct download links for Box files:
Just enter the shared link, and it will create the direct download link. Hope this helps.
Hi ,
Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!
A direct link is a web address (URL) that links directly to a file (without using Box Preview). However, there are some known limitation for creating direct link on a document. You cannot create a direct link for .msi, .exe and image files.
More information on this article:
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Hello Katrinaa,
Thanks for sharing the info about direct links. However, I don't see the direct link option from the shared link pop-up window. The note say it is a premium feature and I'm using the corporate account. Is it eligible to my account?
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Direct Links
At the bottom of the shared link settings pop-up, you will find a direct link to your file. A direct link is a web address (URL) that links directly to a file (without using Box Preview). This is different from a regular shared link, which will bring users to the Box preview screen for said file.
Direct links end with the file's extension type. Therefore, if you are linking to a Microsoft Word document, a direct link will end with *.doc. When a user clicks on the link, the file will be downloaded onto their computer or opened by a default program, depending on computer settings. Direct linking can also be used to host images or files for your website or blog.
Direct Linking is only available for individual files and is unavailable for folders. A link to a folder will always be a web address of a Box page.
Note: This is a premium feature, unavailable on free personal accounts.
Note: For security purposes, you cannot create a direct link for .msi and .exe files. It is important to be aware that the the file types can be harmful if downloaded from an untrusted source.
Since you are using a corporate Box account it is possible that your administrators have turned off link sharing by selecting "Nothing, restrict sharing" for your company. You may also want your admins to verify that your Box account is part of the company and isn't currently a personal account.
Here is an image of the options they have.
You know you have a direct link when the link ends with the file extension. A direct link immediately downloads the file instead of bringing you to the web browser preview. You can create a direct link for an individual file (with some exceptions), but you cannot make a direct for a folder.
To create a direct link, go about getting a shared link. Then, click the settings cog above the word "copy" to access those more advanced settings. At the bottom of the pop-up there should be a field called direct link.
Hi, friends! I have a related question. When I secure the Direct Link (with .jpg extension), if I type it into the browser, this warning shows up.
I don't understand what this means. Am I the user being referred to, or is anyone who enters this link, that user? How do I fix it so that anyone can download this JPG directly? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi ,
Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!
Have you already checked out our article for Direct Links yet?
If you need further assistance, you can always submit a ticket to Box Support team to help investigate with you as this may require specific account information. You can contact Box Support here to help you directly.
Be sure to read our guidelines, Subscribe to content you like, and complete your profile on the community.
Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your first post in the forum!
With Box, you can share to anyone a file or folder without requiring them to create a Box account and even grant them access to download your contents. See this KB page on Creating Shared Links to learn on how to manage and create shared links.
Hope this helps! Thanks for coming to Box Community and let us know if you have questions.
Be sure to read our guidelines, Subscribe to content you like, and complete your profile on the community.
Can a direct link be created programatically? Supposed I have an Azure Logic App that creates a file in BOX. I want to then be able to determine through code what the link would be to that file and email it to them. I see how ot manually do that through the UI but have not found a way to do that in code.
Thanks all for helping,
On the more info. link you provided, it says only .msi and .exe files cannot have direct download links... not images:
- Direct links is a premium feature, unavailable on free personal accounts.
- For security purposes, you cannot create a direct link for .msi and .exe files. It is important to be aware that these file types can be harmful if downloaded from an untrusted source.
Does this still apply to images?
When I click an href with a direct link to a pdf file hosted in Box it is downloaded instead of behaving according to the browser setting which is to open the file in the browser. From looking into the headers of the file response I see that it has the following header:
content-disposition: attachment;filename="Welcome to Box.pdf";filename*=UTF-8''Welcome%20to%20Box.pdf
To my understanding the "attachment" indication makes the file auto download. Is there a way to create a link that has an "inline" indication in this header? e.g."
content-disposition: inline; filename="filename.pdf"
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