Can a notification be sent to collaborators when a new file is uploaded?

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  • Chris Hudak

    I also need this option, I want to give a link to a non box member so they can receive incident update files, they need to be able to receive an email when I upload a new incident file to the shared folder.

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    Yes but can the Owner notify the users they uploaded something without each user changing their settings individually?????

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  • Victoria Strong

    if the user is an external collaborator, will the external collaborator get an email notification?  in my experience this does not work in our sandbox environment with a separate O365 instance.

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  • Jeffrey Akeley

    These steps no longer correspond to the settings in the Box application.  Can your support staff update the instructions?

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  • France

    Hi Helen, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your post in the forum!

    Different users collaborating in a folder can set their own specific Folder level email notifications (if allowed by the folder owner).

    To set specific folder notification:

    • Right click the folder in
    • Choose Settings and scroll-down to Email and Notifications section
    • Enable "Override default settings for this folder..." then choose "Uploads".

    When email notifications are applied in the "Folder Settings", it will be the default email notifications for all files in the folder and subfolders. 

    Thanks for your time and participation in the Community!



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  • France

    Hey, Brian!

    Thanks for following up!

    Users would have the enable individually the notification for "uploads" in the shared folder to get notified on. 

    If this is something you would like to be able to do, I would highly recommend submitting this feature request at! Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.

    Thanks for your participation in Box Community!


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  • Rob Griffin


    I created a Box folder and want to set the setting on this folder that will allow other users to set their settings to receive email notifications when files are uploaded. If I

    • Enable "Override default settings for this folder..." then choose "Uploads".

    will this allow users to modify their own settings?

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